by John Graybill | Jun 23, 2010 | Journal
1995 began the most compassionate 15 year relationship I would ever experience. The relationship had its ebb and flow to it like any other relationship but this one was different. No matter how difficult the times would become we were inseparable. There wasn’t...
by John Graybill | Feb 9, 2009 | Journal
2-4-09. 31 years old. You find yourself in a situation you feel is real. Your body looks the way it does in waking consciousness and may even move in the same fashion. Situations come up and you behave as if you are there and yet you are dreaming. The other night I...
by John Graybill | May 16, 2007 | Journal
5-16-07 Self Study Book #1. 29 Years Old. A strange phenomenon has been happening to me lately in the morning. There is this numb feeling, either in my hip or butt depending on the way I slept that night. It’s almost as if I cannot feel my lower body in the...
by John Graybill | May 13, 2007 | Journal
5-13-07. Self Study Book #1. 29 Years Old. So often I become stuck in a routine and fail to see changes which would improve an aspect of my life. The walk I took today showed me this. Outside my driveway there is a street which slopes from the middle of the...
by John Graybill | May 10, 2007 | Journal
5-10-07. Self Study Book #1. 29 years old. My ankles seem to be rolling to the outsides of my body when I walk. The rolling is only occurring on my right ankle, the left ankle still has the proper structure when it comes to walking. This rolling that takes place...